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IT-Systems / RaceTrack Servers

Sharing Data | multiple Telemetry Access | Strategy Software

Today most of the race teams have more than one engineer in there Team (Race | Performace/Strategy | Data Engineers) and all of them need the logged data for different usage. With our knowledge of the last 15 years in professional motorsports we are able to build up a very convenient and easy to use network installation of mobile usage.

Runing a server in your pitbox environment is geting a standard already.

We are well known in what you need to start or what you should have.

On the following pictures you see a Server for LMP1 project.

Runsheet Development

Due to our daily work and insinder knowledge we are able to create easy to use racing tools using Excel VBA (run sheet / lap timing, performance analysis, race strategy & race analysis).

We also offer here a free to Download Excel Runsheet for GT3.

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